Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Annotated bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Annotated Bibliography Example ternet marketing, in terms of how the online marketing influences consumer psychology and hence consumer purchasing behavior, which makes the book a must read for anybody interested in our topic. In this journal article, the authors discuss extensively online consumer information and advertising. Basically, they discuss on Internet advertising gives information to consumers online, which in turns affects their purchasing behavior; hence, the article is very relevant to this topic. In this article from The New Yorker Magazine, the author, Malcom Gladwell, examines the science of marketing and incorporates aspects of Internet marketing and their influence on the consumer. He discusses how such marketing strategies influence consumer purchasing behavior; thus, the article is very relevant to this study. In this book, the author extensively explores Internet marketing concentrating on online marketing andterming it as the newest and one of the fastest growing forms of marketing. The author argues that Internet marketing is increasingly becoming popular and that it is playing a big role in influencing consumer behavior, that is consumer purchasing behavior, which makes it very relevant to the topic of our discussion. In this article in the Time Magazine, the author, Steven Johnson, discusses how bloggers, hobbyists and diarists among others promote extensive Internet marketing and how their activities influence consumer demand and behavior. Due to this, the article is very relevant to the research, which deals with the role of Internet marketing on consumer behavior. In this article, the author, Abhilasha Mehta, touches on the issue of advertising attitudes and advertising effectiveness, where he looks at how Internet marketing is becoming a major type of advertising and how it is massively beginning to influence purchasing behavior of consumers all over the world. He emphasizes the fact that Internet marketing is becoming a very effective means of advertising in

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